
Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Happy New Year, I am envisioning this year to be
happier, healthier and wealthier for everyone!

Our New Year's Eve celebrations this year included my family – minus Charity, who spent the night at a friend's house. We had plenty of junk food – much to Jim's chagrin, he has been dieting. The festivities included watching Hope and Jessica run through the house, screaming at the top of their lungs with happiness! We also played a couple of rousing games of Bananagrams – which Brian was leery of playing because he hates banana – and Bunco. I didn't win, but at least I got to play a game! Just before midnight, we all texted Charity a “Happy New Year” to her new cell phone. We watched the ball drop in Times Square New York, via TV – we also saw cities, around the world, welcoming the new year with spectacular fireworks displays. After exclaiming “Happy New Year,” with hugs and kisses all around, Christy and I shared a wine cooler – the only one in the house – we didn't share with Diane, as she is pregnant. Gary toasted in the New Year with a tiny bottle of alcohol-free wine – great vintage from the dollar store – Brian downed a glass of fat-free egg-nog from a carton, while Jim sipped a diet soda of some kind or another. Quite a different celebration, in many ways, than those of my childhood.

As I child, I eagerly awaited New Years Eve and all the pop I could consume!  I think Grape Ne-hi was my favorite, but I also liked orange and red. When a diet cola, Tab, appeared on store shelves and I switched to drinking that – because as a teenager at 100 pounds, I thought fat when I looked in the mirror . Chips and dip topped the menu for New Years Eve back then, I don't remember if anything else was served – unlimited pop with chips and dip was like being in heaven to me.

I remember, all the family sitting around the big old oak table in the dining room; the old year fading away as we played Canasta. I don't remember how to play the game anymore – haven't played it since getting married, when I started playing Euchre – now even that is a thing of my past.

I don't remember us watching TV – I don't even think Dick Clark had a “Rock in' Eve” back then – though he did have American Bandstand. I think, we just yelled out “Happy New Year,” finished our game and went to bed.

I do remember the neighbors, teacher Mr. Miller, his wife and two girls, coming over one year to celebrate with us. But mostly, on New Year's Eve, we just celebrated as a family; Mom & Dad, and we kids, Mike, Wendy, Patti, Terry, and Dawn.

We celebrated without the help of TV – we didn't even get a TV until I was six or seven years old – and there were no cell phones - or personal computers either. I don't recall any non-alcoholic drinks nor fat-free egg-nog – we made our own with fresh eggs and whole milk – and no sugar-free anything – unless you forgot to add the sugar, then it didn't taste too good. Well, Tab did come out when I was a teenager and they did have a really nasty tasting sugar substitute, but only diabetics used that. Of course, these fat and sugar filled treats were only served on special occasions, not something we consumed daily.

Yes, things have changed as the years have flown by...
                  but, we still have the time spent with loved ones to keep us grounded.

1 comment:

  1. I love picturing you with your family on New Year's Eve, Wendy. The only NYE I remember from when I was a kid was when I was 13, and my mom and dad went out and left me and my sister, Bev, who was 12, to babysit. The younger kids all had to go to bed before Mom and Dad left. We got to open up the sofa bed in the den and watch TV, and we were "allowed" to stay up until midnight. It was the first time we were alone at night, and we were both afraid to go into the living room to get a candy cane off the Christmas tree, even though Mom had said we could. At midnight, we heard fireworks or something and got scared, but right then, Mom called to say "Happy New Year!" Boy, that was a long night!
